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Suggestion about forced NSFW feature




It just happened when I update my post.

After update, NSFW filter turned off automatically.

I can't turn it on again because filter was forced feature.

I suggest turning on the NSFW filter, but not enforcing it.

Just leave it up to the user to decide if it's NSFW or not, plz.

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We certainly don't want to enforce any options on our users. However, during our nearly one year of operation, we have found that many users don't properly set their NSFW settings, which has led us to force it.

Practically speaking, it's simply not feasible for me to monitor every single post for NSFW content. The automatic NSFW filter is a measure put in place to ensure the comfort and safety of all our users.

We truly appreciate your understanding in this matter, and we are continuously working on improving the balance between user freedom and maintaining a service for everyone. Thank you for your feedback!
