Prompt Search


Nov. 12, 2022, 1:12 a.m.



parameters masterpiece, best quality, original, {{illustration}}, {{extremely fine and beautiful}}, {{perfect details}}, {unity CG 8K wallpaper}, {{{{{beautiful and clear background}}}}}, [[[depth of field]]],a painting of a cityscape with a tree in the foreground and a person on a bike in the foreground, a matte painting by Makoto Shinkai, featured on pixiv, neo-romanticism, anime aesthetic, cityscape, matte drawing,Pastel tone, futuristic, dreamy atmosphere, night, neon light
negative_prompt nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, nsfw, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingersextra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, signature, watermark, username, blurry, lowres, jpeg artifacts,username, artist name, multiple views, extra nipples, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands,poorly drawn face, long neck, bad perspective, missing finger, extra arms, cropped face,
steps 35 content_copy
sampler Euler a content_copy
cfg_scale 10 content_copy
seed 323677807 content_copy
size 1024x576 content_copy
model_hash 05e308be content_copy Unknown Model open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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