Prompt Search


July 26, 2023, 12:19 a.m.



parameters (Masterpiece:1.4, Best Quality:1.4, High Quality:1.4,High resolution:1.4), looking faraway:1.1, close:1.3, details drawings:1.4, best drawings:1.4, professional drawings:1.4, 64k1080p QD-OLED,png, <lora:add_detail:1.5>, (huge massive chest:1.25),cowgirl-shot, pov, (lora:shojovibe_v11:1),Thick and long eyelashes 88cm, sharp nose, thick lips, blonde golden hairstyle long straight hair,, (shiny hair:1.10),beautiful Swedish white-female, young females, looking faraway:1.1,close:1.2, happy smile:1.2, glowing eyes:1.4, kelly-green eyes details best darawings, happy pov, whole full body head to toes full body:1.4, (the story : Deep within a mystical forest, a young maiden named Eliza discovered a hidden realm of cherry blossoms. As she stepped into the magical glade, the blossoms danced around her, whispering sweet melodies of love and enchantment. Legend had it that those touched by the cherry blossoms would find true love. Drawn by curiosity and hope, Eliza wandered deeper into the forest, only to encounter a charming young man named Ethan. It was as if fate had brought them together. They spent days exploring the enchanting forest, and amidst the cherry blossoms, their hearts intertwined, forever binding their destinies. In a charming town, the annual Cherry Blossom Festival commenced, filling the streets with vibrant colors and joy. Among the festivities, a masked ball took center stage. Amelia, a mysterious lady adorned in a gown embellished with cherry blossom patterns, stole the heart of every suitor who beheld her. Unknown to them, she was the reclusive daughter of the town's most renowned artist. As the festival unfolded, Amelia danced with grace and elegance, catching the eye of a kind-hearted painter named Michael. Under the spell of the cherry blossoms, they found a connection beyond words and expressed their love through art, creating a masterpiece that immortalized their blossoming romance. Deep in the heart of a magical garden stood a wondrous Cherry Blossom Wishing Tree. Legend had it that tying a ribbon on its branches while making a heartfelt wish would grant one's deepest desires. Sophie, a young dreamer, visited the tree under the pale moonlight, hoping to find her true calling in life. As she tied her ribbon, she wished for the courage to pursue her passion for music. Little did she know that the cherry blossoms had a way of guiding her path. The next day, she received an invitation to join a prestigious music academy, setting her on a journey of self-discovery and love for the sweetest melodies life had to offer. In a mystical realm where cherry blossom trees grew taller than any mortal could imagine, a guardian spirit named Sakura watched over the sacred grove. As the guardian of love and renewal, Sakura's task was to protect the essence of cherry blossoms. One day, a curious young man named Kai entered the grove, his heart burdened with sorrow and despair. Sensing his pain, Sakura revealed herself to him. In her presence, Kai felt a wave of tranquility and hope wash over him. As they spent time together, the cherry blossoms showered them with blessings of renewal, and Kai found solace in the guardian's embrace. Their bond forged through the beauty of cherry blossoms gave Kai the strength to overcome his challenges and embrace the promise of new beginnings. In the realm of cherry blossoms, love and enchantment intermingled, bringing forth tales of joy, passion, and the renewal of the human spirit. These stories celebrate the beauty and power of cherry blossoms, reminding us that amidst life's challenges, love and hope will always bloom like the delicate petals of the Blossom Bride.
negative_prompt Mosaic face, hidden face, Monsters, female, woman, girl, old man, old ages, color:yellow,orange,pink,golden, low_qulity:1.4, low_resolution:1.4,twisted and broken odd added extra, double and strange, low and bad and worst drawings, blur face, EasyNegative, (worst quality:1.4), (nsfw), text, logo text, watermark artist names text, photo frames, photo line, short , smaller, skinny, slim-body, fat-body, chubby, bmp, odd, strange, horror and scary things
steps 22 content_copy
sampler DPM++ 2M Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 10 content_copy
seed 2871514129 content_copy
model_hash eb4099ba9c content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: AOM3A3 open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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:) thx for watch it.

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