Prompt Search


April 15, 2024, 12:45 a.m.



parameters <lora:add_detail:0.6>, <lora:film:0.7>, (photorealistic:1.4), (best quality:1.3), (extremely intricate:1.2), (ultra highres:1.2), ((Korean beauty model:1.6)), (small head), (almond-shaped eyes), (symmetric eyes, complex pupils, extremely detailed eyes and face, light on face, sharp nose, nose blush), ((kpop idol:1.4)), [:(detailed face:1.2):0.2], (sharp focus:1.4), (huge breast), (wide pelvic:1.3), (long legs), ((((pretty Korean girl)))), ((looking at viewer)), BREAK ((((1girl, solo, tense atmosphere, muted color palette, claustrophobic interiors, stark office spaces, dimly lit bedrooms, cold morning light, sleek business suits, crisp white blouses, tight pencil skirts, polished leather shoes, strained facial expressions, hushed whispers, secretive glances, flickering computer screens, shadowy corners, tense dinner scenes, sterile kitchenware, minimalist furniture, starkly contrasting shadows, muted television glow, heavy silence, tension-filled pauses, clenched fists, slow-burning cigarettes, half-drunk wine glasses, wrinkled bed sheets, tightly held secrets, whispered phone calls, fleeting touches, cold cityscapes, deserted evening streets, looming skyscrapers, distant traffic lights, reflective glass facades, sharp architectural lines, soft rain on windows, muted street lamps, tightly buttoned coats, discreetly exchanged envelopes, locked drawers, hidden letters, crumpled photographs, erased text messages, silent breakfasts, unspoken apologies, stifled sobs, cold glares, deliberate steps, hurried exits, whispered accusations, silent judgments, frigid air, tense shoulders, clenched jaws, evasive answers, lingering doubts, half-hearted smiles, forced laughter, veiled threats, sudden outbursts, desperate embraces, tear-streaked makeup, whispered confessions, shattering glass, spilled secrets, dimly lit alleyways, flickering neon signs, haunting echo of footsteps, silk scarves tightly wound, leather briefcases with worn edges, soft woolen trench coats, delicate gold watches under cufflinks, subtle pearl earrings against soft skin, thin gold chains hidden under collars, soft leather ankle boots clicking on pavement, structured handbags holding life's essentials, tailored wool blazers with sharp lapels, cashmere sweaters with subtle pilling, silk ties knotted with precision, herringbone vests over crisp shirts, faded jeans contrasting formal wear, ballet flats for quiet exits, and vintage brooches pinning together secrets))))
negative_prompt EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3)
steps 40 content_copy
sampler DPM++ 2M Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 15 content_copy
seed 2644570015 content_copy
model_hash f422db7ce3 content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: PTsearch_3D_v30 open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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엄청 아름답고 예쁘고 귀여운 귀염둥이 AI(ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE = 인공 지능) 하이퍼 모델(HYPER MODEL = BEST OF BEST MODEL = 최고 모델.)양(孃) 자체가 모든 부문에서 퍼펙트 스코어(PERFECT SCORE)이기 때문에 퍼펙트 스코어(PERFECT SCORE)를 추천 합니다. /추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천/

April 15, 2024, 5:53 a.m.