Prompt Search


Feb. 19, 2024, 10:42 p.m.



parameters (RAW photo, best quality), showing buttocks, (realistic, photo-Realistic:1.1), best quality, yellow eyes, masterpiece, (big breasts), long yellow hair , long color rose hair, wearing a light purple low-cutsexy hanfu , beautiful and aesthetic, 16K, (HDR:1.2), high contrast, big breasts, (vibrant color:1.3), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones:0), cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Exquisite details and textures, cinematic shot, Warm tone, (Bright and intense:1.1), wide shot, by xm887, ultra realistic illustration, siena natural ratio, low angle view, medium length layered bob cut with blunt bangs, (a charming smile:0.8), pink sexy bikini, Beach, a beautiful Argentine girl, symmetrical face with flirty gaze and soft smile, a small earrings, ultra hd, realistic, vivid colors, highly detailed, UHD drawing, pen and ink, perfect composition, beautiful detailed intricate insanely detailed octane render trending on artstation, 8k artistic photography, photorealistic concept art, soft natural volumetric cinematic perfect light, realhands,<lora:EMS-237442-EMS:0.800000>,<lora:EMS-87113-EMS:1.300000>
negative_prompt nsfw, watermark, signature, username, text, (worst quality, low quality, normal quality), badhandv4, (missing hands, missing legs, missing finger), (extra hands, extra legs, extra finger), (bad hands, bad legs, bad finger), simple background, greyscale, monochrome, cropped, duplicate, mutilated, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2
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