Prompt Search


March 28, 2024, 5:29 a.m.



parameters 2girls, in a sports store, vibrant sneaker wall, wearing a crop top hoodie, long hair flowing, amidst the bright, lively atmosphere, slender, big cleavage, (Masterpiece, Photorealistic, 8K resolution, Ultra High Quality, Incredibly Detailed, Cinematic lighting, Perfect anatomy, RAW), <lora:noline:0.25>, <lora:add_detail:1.51>, <lora:film:0.8>, <lora:add_detail:0.49>, <lora:film:0.55>, <lora:add_detail:0.09>
negative_prompt EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (nsfw:1.4), 3D face, cropped, lowres, text, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, trademark, title, multiple view, Reference sheet, bad anatomy
steps 40 content_copy
sampler DPM++ 2M Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 15 content_copy
seed 1690555379 content_copy
model_hash 1fc5c11582 content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: PTsearch_2D_v30 open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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엄청 아름답고 예쁘고 귀여운 귀염둥이 AI(ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE = 인공 지능) NONAME 하이퍼 모델(HYPER MODEL = BEST OF BEST MODEL = 최고 모델.)양(孃)들 자체가 모든 부문에서 퍼펙트 스코어(PERFECT SCORE)이기 때문에 퍼펙트 스코어(PERFECT SCORE)를 추천 합니다. /추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천//추천/

March 28, 2024, 10:49 a.m.