Prompt Search


Sept. 30, 2023, 9:50 a.m.



parameters 1girl,(upper body shot,hyper semi-photorealistic:1.3),(kpop idol),(lovely lip:1.3),(void line,realistic illustration,masterpiece,sketch,realistic, pretty sharp nose, adult facinating face:1.4),((crisp sharp image,sexy linegerie, sensual smile, groin, sexually suggestive)), (extremely intricate, distinct nose,very small face,fascinating mature female face and very facinating photo&realistic eyes:1.3),long straight messy black hair, mole under eye, bangs,(tall model slim body,enormously big breasts,wide hip,wide pelvis,white business shirt,sexy black panties:1.5),purple eyes, piercing, red lips, closed mouth, eyelashes,grey background, simple background, 1girl, solo, BREAK, <cinematic light, ultra high res, 8k uhd, film grain, perfect anatomy, exquisitely detailed skin, best shadow, delicate, RAW>, <lora:skintexturedreamlike_Lora300:0.5>, ((very hyper real adult mature fascinating face look like realistic woman:1.3)),(((insanely detailed real european face and eyes and very distinct nose,very long beautiful eyelashes:1.5))),<lora:film:0.5>, <lora:add_detail:1>, <lora:noline:-0.5>, <lora:COOLKIDS_MERGE_V2.5:-0.5>
negative_prompt ((worst quality, low quality,simple color amd simple light,small eyes amd baby face and big nose,big head,narrow shoulders)), (nsfw), (focusing face:1.5,low quality clothing), low resolution, text, multi view, bad_prompt, bad_prompt_version2:0.8), NG_DeepNegative_V1_75T, nsfw, (minimum quality), (low quality), (normal quality), lowres, normal quality, monochrome, grayscale, non-detailed skin, cgi, 3d, rendering, skin spots, acne, skin blemishes, age spots,
steps 40 content_copy
sampler DPM++ SDE Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 8 content_copy
seed 3430797267 content_copy
model_hash 8f44a11120 content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: RandomMix open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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