Prompt Search


Dec. 15, 2022, 4:24 a.m.



parameters ultra-realism, maximalist style eyes, ultra-detailed eyes, cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute girl and beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful girl, 18 years old, small breast size, big long girl green braid, pink eyes, pink hair above green, pink and green hair, pink top of hair, pink to green hair gradient from top to bottom, green bangs, pink eyes, realistic eyes, dressed in a Santa suit, wrinkles on clothes, very beautiful anime eyes, anime eyes, very detailed eyes, beautifully drawn eyes, beautifully made eyes, in the room, Christmas tree in the room, gifts under the Christmas tree, {{{{{{Masterpiece}}}}, {{{best quality}}}, {{beautiful background}}, {{{{ultradetailed}}}}, illustration, {{detailed}}, HDR, {cinematic}, {{cinematic light}}, {{{colourful}}}, {{{rtx}}}, {{{{{{ultradetailed eyes}}}}}}, High quality colorful, correct anatomy, beautiful fingers, correct fingers
negative_prompt clear picture, lowres, text, bad anatomy, bad hands, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, missing arms, long neck, Humpbacked, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, bad eyes, different eyes, not beautiful eyes average image quality, average quality, very poor quality, not realistic eyes, censure, only one hair color, bad bad bad bad anatomy, bad fingers, bad anatomy fingers
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cfg_scale 12 content_copy
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