Prompt Search


April 7, 2024, 1:12 a.m.



parameters <lora:add_detail:0.6>, <lora:film:0.7>, (photorealistic:1.4), (best quality:1.3), (extremely intricate:1.2), (ultra highres:1.2), ((Korean beauty model:1.6)), (small head), (almond-shaped eyes), (symmetric eyes, complex pupils, extremely detailed eyes and face, light on face, sharp nose, nose blush), ((kpop idol:1.4)), [:(detailed face:1.2):0.2], (sharp focus:1.4), (huge breast), (wide pelvic:1.3), (long legs), ((((pretty Korean girl)))), ((looking at viewer)), BREAK\n ((((Samurai girl, black umbrella, smoking cigarette, shadowy figures, long hair, enveloping fog, blowing wind, midnight ambiance, high noon contrast, bamboo stalks, ground grass, muddy terrain, film grain texture, monochrome palette, traditional Japanese aesthetics, oriental influence, cinematic framing, Sekiro vibes, Ghost of Tsushima echoes, handcrafted detail, Art Nouveau flair, intricate patterns, silhouette drama, atmospheric tension, dynamic posture, subtle lighting, stark shadows, ethereal quality, historical context, warrior stance, serene yet imposing, poised elegance, minimalist design, stark composition, textured details, ambient mystery, reflective mood, cultural homage, stylistic purity, narrative depth, visual storytelling, atmospheric immersion, timelessness, environmental interaction, natural elements, elemental contrast, dramatic intensity, artistic precision, conceptual clarity, visual harmony, thematic resonance, emotional resonance, symbolic imagery, evocative scene, visual poetry, cultural reverence, aesthetic sophistication, detailed execution, stylistic nuance, compositional balance, thematic depth, visual intrigue, cultural narrative, atmospheric depth, stylistic innovation, interpretative artistry, visual sophistication, thematic resonance, immersive atmosphere, artistic expression))))
negative_prompt EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3)
steps 40 content_copy
sampler DPM++ 2M Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 15 content_copy
seed 1261398401 content_copy
model_hash f422db7ce3 content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: PTsearch_3D_v30 open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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