Prompt Search


Dec. 1, 2023, 9:37 p.m.



parameters (best quality, masterpiece, extremly detailed, UHD:1.5), (photo realistic:1.5), (A stylish korean actress with a perfect body:1.5), (pureerosface_v1:0.5), (closed eyes:0.8), (glossy tight breasts:1.3), (narrow waist, thin thighs, thin legs, slender super-model body, skinny arms:1.4), (Circuitry-Infused Canvas:2.1), (Chrome Polished Effect:2.1), (Dystopian Visions:2.2), (Dystopian visions:2.2) manifest on (a circuitry-infused canvas:2.1) with (a chrome-polished effect:2.1), creating a mesmerizing cyberpunk composition.(((white)))
negative_prompt EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.9), (nsfw)
steps 20 content_copy
sampler DPM++ SDE Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 8 content_copy
seed 3858463999 content_copy
model_hash 5c2e28a5ce content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: HenmixReal open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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