Prompt Search

하나만 더..

Feb. 11, 2023, 10:25 p.m.



parameters masterpiece, best quality, high_resolution, scenery, cinematic light, official art, ((platinum_white_hair)), long_hair, yellow_eyes, long_sleeves, medium_breasts, \n\n girl who is lost in a dark and creepy forest, with twisted trees and ominous shadows all around her. She could be clutching a flashlight, searching for a way out as she hears strange and frightening sounds in the distance. In the background, you could include dense underbrush, a full moon casting an eerie glow, and maybe even a glimpse of a monster lurking in the shadows. You could also have the girl looking over her shoulder, her expression a mixture of fear and determination as she tries to find her way out.\n\n
negative_prompt (Worst quality, low quality, normal quality, low resolution, lowres:1.4), 3d, blurry, text, artist name, signature, multiple views, bad_prompt_version2, EasyNegative
steps 30 content_copy
sampler DPM++ SDE Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 7 content_copy
seed 4002128723 content_copy
size 640x512 content_copy
model_hash aa391aa543 content_copy Unknown Model open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
denoising_strength 0.51 content_copy
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