Prompt Search


July 26, 2023, 9:39 a.m.



parameters Albino Theme CG:1.10, In the midst of a sunlit garden, there stands an albino woman, a true vision of uniqueness and grace. Her appearance is a captivating blend of delicate features and mesmerizing contrasts that immediately draw the eye. Her alabaster skin, almost translucent in its purity, seems to glow softly under the sunlight, creating an ethereal radiance that sets her apart from the crowd. Freckles, like angelic constellations, gently adorn her cheeks, adding a touch of whimsy to her porcelain canvas. Her hair, a cascading waterfall of silken strands, is a rare and enchanting sight. Snow-white in color, it flows down her back like a shimmering mantle, catching glimmers of light that dance like stars amidst its tendrils. The way it frames her face is a breathtaking work of art, accentuating her features and highlighting the uniqueness of her appearance. Her eyes, large and almond-shaped, are the true windows to her soul. A shade of mesmerizing pale blue, they hold a depth of emotion that is both captivating and intriguing. They exude warmth and intelligence, drawing people in with an irresistible charm that speaks of kindness and compassion. Her delicate nose and elegantly sculpted cheekbones add a sense of refinement to her countenance. The gentle curve of her lips, tinged with a hint of pink, is both inviting and alluring, forming a smile that can light up an entire room. Every gesture she makes is marked by a graceful fluidity, as if she moves in harmony with the very essence of nature. Her poise and confidence are evident in the way she carries herself, with an aura of self-assurance that radiates from within. Clad in a flowing, pastel-colored dress that seems to have been tailored to perfection, she embodies an air of timeless elegance. The fabric gently embraces her figure, accentuating her natural beauty without overwhelming her delicate charm. As she stands amidst the garden's beauty, it's as if she has become a living embodiment of the enchanting world around her. The vibrant flowers seem to bloom more vividly in her presence, and the gentle breeze seems to caress her like a loving embrace. In a world that often celebrates conformity, she stands tall as a symbol of individuality and celebrates the beauty that can be found in embracing one's uniqueness. Her presence is a reminder that true beauty knows no boundaries and that it can manifest in the most unexpected and extraordinary ways. She is an inspiration, a beacon of light, and a living testament to the magic that exists within every person who dares to be themselves. (Masterpiece:1.4, Best Quality:1.4, High Quality:1.4,High resolution:1.4), looking faraway:1.1, close:1.3, details drawings:1.4, best drawings:1.4, professional drawings:1.4, 64k1080p QD-OLED,png, <lora:add_detail:1.5>, glowing eyes:1.4, light blue eyes, pale skin:1.4, pov, (lora:shojovibe_v11:1),Thick and long eyelashes 88cm, sharp nose, thick peach lips, white hairstyle long straight hair,, (shiny hair:1.10),(huge massive chest:1.25),beautiful Swedish white-female, young a woman,solo,<lora:add_detail:1.5>, looking faraway:1.1, close:1.2
negative_prompt an angel, black dress color, bird wings, upper body, too close upper body, big head, 6 toes, breaking fingers, breaking toes, 5 more than fingers, 4 arms, 4 hands, 2 more than legs, text , watermark text logo, write text, dark skin ten skin, child , chibi, kid, mosaic on face, EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (nsfw),teeth, break teeth, nsfw, nude, 4 arms, 2 arms more than added, 4 chest, 2 chest more then added, chibi, loil, student girl, close up upper body, kid, a child, too young girl, irclet, two-tone hair, light, jacket, vest, chibi, single, quad, multiple,,black eyes, brown eyes, brown hair, nsfw, nude, eros, too close up upper body, cut body, eros, upper body view, empty background, color background, break teeth, rainbow_colorful, EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (nsfw). 2 more then arms, 3 arms, heart on skin, extra shoe, 3 more shoes, teeth, break-teeth, mosaic, twisted fingers, 6 and 7 fingers, 5 fingers more, blue bikini, blue underwear, white boots, white heels, !! white clothes color, blue clothes color, extra one more hand, 2 more than hand, text, artist name sigh, logo text, watermark, word text, text msg, pvc, strange lips, teeth, doll, 3d, skinny body, arm on head, Cuts and bent fingers, (background: sea, forest, city), Asymmetric face, uneven eyes, EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (race: asian, korean, hong-kong, china, east asian, south american, indian, maxico, spain, north american, arab), black race, ten skin, dark skin, yellow pale skin, fat, ugly, extra added, 3 legs, 3 arms, 3 hands, 6 fingers, broken fingers, photo frames, frames line, chubby belly, skinny body, double on head and body, twisted fingers, twisted, bad, ugly, blur eyes, blurry, poor drawings, bad drawings, odd and strange looks, ugly eyes, too long hairstyle, too long body, 6 toes, brown eyes, brown hair, black eyes, k-pop idol, black hair, strange lips, teeth, doll, 3d, skinny body, arm on head, Cuts and bent fingers, (background: sea, forest, city), Asymmetric face, uneven eyes, EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (race: asian, korean, hong-kong, china, east asian, south american, indian, maxico, spain, north american, arab), black race, ten skin, dark skin, yellow pale skin, fat, ugly, extra added, 3 legs, 3 arms, 3 hands, 6 fingers, broken fingers, photo frames, frames line, chubby belly, skinny body, double on head and body, twisted fingers, twisted, bad, ugly, blur eyes, blurry, poor drawings, bad drawings, odd and strange looks, ugly eyes, too long hairstyle, too long body, 6 toes, brown eyes, brown hair, black eyes, k-pop idol, black hair
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:) thx for watch it.

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