Prompt Search


Nov. 1, 2022, 8:38 p.m.



parameters masterpiece, best quality, {{illustration}}, {{extremely fine and beautiful}}, {{perfect details}}, {{{{Rosicrucianism}}}}, {unity CG 8K wallpaper}, {{{{fantasy}}}}, {{{{{dreamlike}}}}}, {{{{Alice in wonderland:0.5 beautiful and clear background:1.25}}}}, [[[depth of field]]], {{{{{{{loli}}}}}}}, {{1 cute girl}}, {{{{{detailed beautiful eyes}}}}}, {{{{{beautiful face}}}}}, {{{{detailed cute anime face}}}}, blonde hair, {{{{white off shoulder large and long:1.4 dress with frills:1.2}}}}, long sleeves, long hair, Starry sky adorns hair, {{hair blowing with the wind}}, {{lots of light particle}}, crystals texture flowers, {{fog}}, {{{{clock in background}}}}, [[[[[[[[[[close-up]]]]]]]]]], solo
negative_prompt lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, low quality lowres, low quality lowres low polygon 3D game, low quality lowres monochrome sketch rough graffiti, low quality lowres very ugly fat obesity scar, low quality lowres chibi, low quality lowres poorly drawn bad anatomy, low quality lowres graffiti unbecoming colorfully, low quality lowres incoherent background, low quality lowres long body, low quality lowres duplicate comparison, low quality lowres low quality lowres sketch retro_artstyle doujinshi, low quality lowres sketch, low quality lowres text font ui error missing digit blurry, low quality lowres JPEG artifacts signature hazy bleary, low quality lowres monochrome parody meme, low quality lowres historical picture, low quality lowres disfigured mutated malformed twisted human body, low quality lowres futanari tranny, low quality lowres tentacle skeleton, low quality lowres vomit suicide death dirty, exposed hips
steps 50 content_copy
sampler k_lms content_copy
scale 5.0 content_copy
seed 3330360500 content_copy
strength 0.7 content_copy
noise 0.0 content_copy
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