Prompt Search


April 13, 2024, 12:35 p.m.



parameters <lora:add_detail:0.6>, <lora:film:0.7>, (photorealistic:1.4), (best quality:1.3), (extremely intricate:1.2), (ultra highres:1.2), ((Korean beauty model:1.6)), (small head), (almond-shaped eyes), (symmetric eyes, complex pupils, extremely detailed eyes and face, light on face, sharp nose, nose blush), ((kpop idol:1.4)), [:(detailed face:1.2):0.2], (sharp focus:1.4), (huge breast), (wide pelvic:1.3), (long legs), ((((pretty Korean girl)))), ((looking at viewer)), BREAK Intimate glances, cobblestone streets, rain-kissed sidewalks, bustling cafes, soft whispers, shared laughter, tender touches, vibrant blue hair, mismatched buttons on vintage denim jackets, worn leather jackets with scuffed elbows, knit scarves fraying at the edges, hazy sunlight filtering through sheer curtains, flickering shadows on crumpled bed sheets, dimly lit rooms casting silhouettes, warm embraces in oversized hoodies, tear-streaked cheeks flushed pink, heartfelt confessions in quiet, cozy corners, scribbled sketches on napkin corners, faded jeans with patched knees, casual t-shirts stained with paint, cozy sweaters with sleeves pulled over hands, bustling school hallways under harsh fluorescent lighting, cluttered bookshelves filled with dog-eared novels, worn-out backpacks adorned with band pins, steaming coffee cups leaving rings on wooden tables, cigarette smoke swirls around fingerless gloves, graffiti walls serving as backdrops for first kisses, urban murals glimpsed from bus windows, passionate debates in worn, soft leather boots, impromptu dances in mismatched socks, crowded parties in sequined skirts, eclectic music drifting from open windows, tangled headphones around necks, late-night walks in comfortable canvas sneakers, starry skies above quilted bomber jackets, moonlit smiles under floppy beanies, shared secrets whispered through scarlet scarves, lingering kisses in doorway frames, sunlit windows illuminating threadbare rugs, dusty bookstores explored in ankle boots, chalk-strewn hands clutching delicate silver rings, art-strewn studios with splashes on smocks, canvas splatters on bare, rolled-up cuffs, vibrant paints dotting denim overalls, shaky breaths in quiet, candle-lit attics, hopeful glances over the rims of round glasses, silent understandings in cozy, tucked-in cafes, whispered promises under shared umbrellas, tearful farewells in railway stations, rain-soaked letters held in trembling hands, flickering candles casting light on lace tops, scattered photographs on hardwood floors, dim streetlights illuminating silk headscarves, shadowed alleyways walked in sturdy combat boots, echoing footsteps in empty, moonlit parks, distant laughter from beneath woolen caps, soft sighs into plush, velvety pillows, melancholic melodies heard through apartment walls, wistful looks over shoulder-less dresses, longing gazes through rain-dappled bus windows, heartfelt letters written on scented stationery, crumpled notes hidden in jean pockets, intertwined fingers wearing simple, matching bands, blushing cheeks beneath floppy sun hats, slow dances in bare feet on cool tile floors, whispered dreams in the safety of quilt-covered forts, and the raw, unfiltered exploration of love, identity, and self-discovery against the backdrop of a vivid, ever-changing landscape, all while dressed in a tapestry of garments that tell stories of moments lived and loved
negative_prompt EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3)
steps 40 content_copy
sampler DPM++ 2M Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 10 content_copy
seed 1785838361 content_copy
model_hash f422db7ce3 content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: PTsearch_3D_v30 open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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