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중세시대 여자 복장 관련 프롬프트

March 18, 2023, 9:40 p.m.



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Chemise: The chemise was a simple, lightweight garment worn by medieval women as an undergarment. It was typically made of linen or cotton and was worn close to the skin.
속옷(Chemise): 속옷은 중세시대 유럽 여성들이 착용한 가벼운 옷으로, 보통 리넨이나 면으로 만들어져 피부에 가까이 맞춰 입었습니다.

Bliaut: The bliaut was a long, flowing tunic worn by women in medieval Europe. It was typically made of silk or other fine materials and often had long, wide sleeves and a fitted waist.
블리아(Bliaut): 블리아는 중세시대 여성들이 입었던 긴, 흐르는 튜닉으로, 보통 실크나 고급 원단으로 만들어졌으며 긴 넓은 소매와 착용자 허리에 맞게 디자인되었습니다.

Surcoat: The surcoat was a sleeveless, outer garment worn over the bliaut or other tunic. It was often made of wool or other heavy fabrics and was designed to keep the wearer warm.
수르코트(Surcoat): 수르코트는 블리아나 다른 튜닉 위에 입는 소매 없는 겉옷입니다. 보통 양털이나 무거운 원단으로 만들어졌으며 착용자를 보온하는 역할을 했습니다.

Cotehardie: The cotehardie was a form-fitting tunic worn by women in the late medieval period. It had a high waistline and often featured decorative buttons or lacing.
코트하디(Cotehardie): 코트하디는 늦은 중세시대 여성들이 입었던 체형에 맞는 튜닉으로, 허리가 높게 디자인되어 있으며 장식용 단추나 끈으로 장식되었습니다.

Hennin: The hennin was a tall, conical headdress worn by women in the late medieval period. It was often decorated with jewels and was a symbol of wealth and status.
헤닌(Hennin): 헤닌은 늦은 중세시대 여성들이 쓴 높은 원통형 모자로, 종종 보석으로 장식되었으며 부와 지위의 상징이었습니다.

Kirtle: The kirtle was a fitted dress worn by women in the medieval period. It was typically made of wool or linen and was worn as an undergarment or as a dress on its own.
커틀(Kirtle): 커틀은 중세시대 여성들이 입은 착용감이 좋은 드레스로, 보통 양모나 리넨으로 만들어졌으며 속옷이나 단독으로 입었습니다.

Mantle: The mantle was a type of cloak worn by medieval women. It was typically made of wool or other heavy fabrics and was worn as an outer garment to keep the wearer warm.
맨틀(Mantle): 맨틀은 중세시대 여성들이 입은 망토로, 보통 양털이나 다른 무거운 원단으로 만들어졌으며 보온용 겉옷으로 입혔습니다.

Partlet: The partlet was a high-necked blouse worn by women in the medieval period. It was often made of linen or silk and was worn under a dress or other garment.
파틀렛(Partlet): 파틀렛은 중세시대 여성들이 입은 고목 니트 블라우스로, 보통 리넨이나 실크로 만들어졌으며 드레스나 다른 옷의 안쪽에 입었습니다.

Wimple: The wimple was a head covering worn by medieval women. It consisted of a long piece of fabric that covered the head and neck, leaving only the face visible.
위앰플(Wimple): 위앰플은 중세시대 여성들이 머리를 가리기 위해 쓰던 머리띠로, 머리와 목을 덮는 긴 천조각으로 얼굴만 드러냅니다.

Tunic: The tunic was a simple, loose-fitting garment worn by women in the medieval period. It was typically made of linen or wool and was worn as an undergarment or as a dress on its own.
튜닉(Tunic): 튜닉은 중세 시대에 여성들이 입었던 단순하고 헐렁한 옷이었다. 그것은 일반적으로 린넨이나 양모로 만들어졌고 속옷이나 드레스로 착용되었다.

중세시대 인테리어 관련 글이 있길래 중세시대 여성 복장에 대해서 글 써봅니다.
그냥 영어부분만 그대로 복사하셔서 붙여넣기 하시면 됩니다.
이게 정확한지 잘 모르지만.. 몇 개 사용해보니 느낌이 좋아서 올립니다 ㅎㅎ
이 사이트 사용한지 이제 하루 됐는데 너무 좋네요..! 운영자님 화이팅 하시길 바랍니다!

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March 18, 2023, 9:56 p.m.