Prompt Search

Blaze of Valor

Oct. 27, 2023, 1:08 a.m.



* This is a non-automated, user input article. The information below may not be accurate.

parameters (cinematic light, best quality Backlights), clear line, solo female, solo female, perfect body, (1girl), (bioluminescent hair), (glowing eyes), slightly close eyes, fantasy, (Dynamic:1.2), ((makeup)), high contrast, (best illumination, an extremely delicate and beautiful), ((cinematic light)), colourful, powerful, (Cinematic masterpiece), photoshoot, witch, Fire mage, fierce, splashes of colour, absolutely eye-catching, ((colourful paint splashes on background, dulux,)), ((caustic)), dynamic angle, beautiful detailed smoke, (Captivating),(Intricately Detailed Cinematic ruined castle:1.1), ambient occlusion, ambient light, ray-traced reflections, intricately detailed explosion, subsurface scattering, Flames swirling around hands, searing ball of fire, shockwaves, lighting up sky, smoke and ash billowing, mage standing tall amidst chaos, eyes blazing, cloak rippling, raw power, destructive force, mesmerizing display. dark and ominous environment, casting spell, swirling magic circle, (warm vibrant cloak), (dark and rich tone clothes), intense energy, flame stitching, fire nation, staff , staff in hand, debris, fiery mushroom cloud , fire inferno
negative_prompt 3d, cartoon, anime, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, bad anatomy, girl, loli, young, large breasts, red eyes, muscular, over saturated, over saturated, over saturated, long neck, (watermark),signature, deformed, ugly, mutilated, disfigured, text, extra limbs, face cut, head cut, extra fingers, extra arms, poorly drawn face, mutation, bad proportions, cropped head, malformed limbs, (mutated hands), fused fingers, long neck, bad anatomy, Dull, barren, Unclear, smudge, muddy, incoherent , no face, no eyes, unfinished lines, small head, random lines, unrealistic hand shape, more than 2 arms, more than 2 legs, (Blue hair),(blue eyes)

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