Prompt Search


Feb. 9, 2023, 10:42 p.m.



parameters [<lora:2bNierAutomataLora_v2b:0.6>:0.5],((yorha no. 2 type b, nier (series), nier automata)),((1girl,solo)),(black blindfold:1.6),((medium breasts,big hips, cleavage cutout)),(hair between eyes:1.3),(hairband:1.2), (((((juliet sleeves, long sleeves,puffy sleeves,))))),(turtleneck short Black dress:1.6),(red lips:1.2),(short hair:1.4),(white hair:1.4),(full shot:1.3), (hidden eyes:1.5),(lying:1.6),BREAK,(detailed face and eyes), (Masterpiece, best quality), (highly detailed photo:1.1), 8k,(photorealistic:0.8),(highest quality, Alessandro Casagrande,Greg Rutkowski, Sally Mann, concept art, 4k), (analog:1.2), (high sharpness), (detailed pupils:1.1), (painting:1.1), (digital painting:1.1),(detailed texture:1.1),(High Detailed realistic skin texture:1.2),(volumetric lighting:1.3),(photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world 18 years old pretty girl featuring soft lustrous),(Cowboy shot:1.4),High Detail,detailed face,realistic lighting, cinematic light, 8k, (extremely detailed CG unity 8k background),cinematic lighting,By jeremy mann, by sandra chevrier, by maciej kuciara,sharp, ((perfect body)), realistic, real shadow, 3d,((forest background)), (by Michelangelo),younger,teenage,(beautiful and perfect face:1.3),(pale skin:1.3),(lustrous skin:1.3),smile,cute,FEMININE,(various flowers:1.3)
negative_prompt (low quality:1.4), (worst quality:1.4), nude, (bad art, low detail, pencil drawing:1.4), (plain background, grainy, low quality, mutated hands and fingers:1.4),(blurry background:1.4),(blurry:1.4),(watermark, thin lines:1.2), (deformed, signature:1.2), (blurry, ugly, bad anatomy, extra limbs, undersaturated, low resolution),blue jeans, render, doll, plastic, blur, haze, monochrome,BREAK,b&w, text, (ugly:1.2), unclear eyes, no arms, bad anatomy,cropped, censoring, asymmetric eyes, bad anatomy, badproportions, cropped, cross-eyed, deformed, extra arms,extra fingers, extra limbs, fused fingers, jpeg artifacts,malformed, mangled hands, misshapen body, missing arms,missing fingers, missing hands, missing legs, poorly drawn,tentacle finger, too many arms, too many fingers, watermark,logo, text, letters, signature, username, words, blurry,cropped, jpeg artifacts, low quality, lowres,(tied hair:1.3),(long hair:1.3),(exposed eyes:1.4),older,mask,extra coffins
steps 20 content_copy
sampler DPM++ 2M Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 7 content_copy
seed 3079983518 content_copy
size 768x1344 content_copy
model_hash 3cf9e337ad content_copy Unknown Model open_in_new
denoising_strength 0.5 content_copy
mask_blur 4 content_copy
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