Prompt Search


May 29, 2023, 7:43 p.m.



parameters 8k,RAW,Ultra Detail,Intricate Detail,top quality, ultra high resolution, ultra realistic, photorealistic,candid photography, (A stunning art piece captures the allure of an eight-headed beautiful girl, embodying the essence of casual fashion in its purest form. Each of her heads dons a unique ensemble, blending relaxed elegance with a hint of bohemian flair. Soft, flowing fabrics dance around her, complementing her radiant complexion and cascading locks. The artwork's attention to detail highlights the intricate accessories she adorns, such as delicate bracelets and statement earrings. With an air of nonchalant confidence, she becomes a beacon of inspiration for those seeking the perfect balance between comfort and style), <lora:film:0.8>
negative_prompt EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (nsfw)
steps 30 content_copy
sampler DPM++ SDE Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 8 content_copy
seed 1093959161 content_copy
model_hash f422db7ce3 content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: PTsearch_3D_v30 open_in_new
clip_skip 2 content_copy
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