Prompt Search

모델 배포입니다.

Jan. 21, 2023, 11:03 p.m.



parameters <intricate details, cinematic light, (finely detailed face and beautiful eyes)>, (cowboy shot:1.4), standing in apron, cafe staff, uniform, cafe, ((window European)), light rays, particles of light in the air, golden eyes, ((white particles in the air)), ((messy hair)), drawn eyes, drawn hair, ((yellow palette)), BREAK, <high resolution illustration, (masterpiece:1.5), (best quality:1.2), coloful, rim lighting, spot lighting, (beautiful and clear background:1.2), detailed background, (finely detailed face and beautiful eyes), (pretty face:1.2)>, multicolored,
negative_prompt (worst quality, low quality:1.4), (3d:1.3), blurry, underwear, curvy, fat, [freckles:0.8], 2koma, 3koma,
steps 20 content_copy
sampler DPM++ 2M Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 11 content_copy
seed 3525844572 content_copy
size 448x640 content_copy
model_hash ee9ba257 content_copy Unknown Model open_in_new
eta 0.2 content_copy
clip_skip 2 content_copy
denoising_strength 0.6 content_copy
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이 모델은 제가 훈련시킨 모델 중 강점이 어울릴 것 같은 모델 2개를 블록웨이트 병합을 통한 2차 모델입니다.

혹시나 작가 관련해서 말이 나올 경우 예고없이 내릴 수 있으니 양해부탁드리겠습니다.

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