Prompt Search


May 5, 2024, 3:17 p.m.



parameters stained glass style a slumbering dreamweaver reclines upon a moss covered islet, surrounded by a halo of soft luminescence that seeps from the wispy tendrils of fog curling around its form like a gentle lover's caress. the dreamer's eyes are half closed, their gaze drifting lazily towards the surface of a glassy lake, where ripples of gold and copper disturb the otherwise perfect reflection of the mist shrouded peaks rising in the distance. as the dreamweaver's hand darts across the water, a scattering of moon petaled flowers floats to the surface, releasing their sweet fragrance into the still air, while a office of silver tailed fish weave through the depths, their gentle splashing creating a soothing melody that seems to harmonize with the dreamer's very breath. . vibrant, beautiful, translucent, intricate, detailed many details, extreme detailed, full of details, Wide range of colors., Dramatic,Dynamic,Cinematic,Sharp details Insane quality. Insane resolution. Insane details. Masterpiece. 32k resolution. dvr-lnds-sdxl ral-apoctvisn dark, chiaroscuro, low-key zavy-rmlght
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model_hash ac3de0bb2a content_copy PROMPT SEARCH: PTSearch XL 3D v15 open_in_new
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