Prompt Search


Feb. 13, 2023, 11:14 p.m.



parameters best ratio five finger and one thumb,(1girl),((solo)),(ulzzang-6500:0.34),(80s-anime-aesthetic:1.3),(lovely lips, lipgloss),(bishoujo:1.2),Victorian,walking pose,best ratio eyes,earrings,(skirt),floral print,wavy hair,(short hair:1.1),(light purple hair:1.3),(turquoise eyes),(bright eyes),(cute face),Chiffon,(smile:1.3),staring,(cowboy shot:1.2),Renaissance,(looking at viewer:1.3),BREAK,(illustration:1.3),(masterpiece:1.3), (best quality:1.2),finely detailed,Hyper Detailed,high resolution illustration,best illumination,(best shadow),(concept art:1.3),extremely detailed CG,8K,detailed face,(a ray of light:1.23),chromatic aberration,volumetric lighting,(perfect eyes:1.34),Greg Rutkowski,John William Waterhouse,pastel color,outdoors,finely detailed beautiful eyes and detailed face,warm light,octane render,(perfect body),dynamic pose,from side,(perfect hands),face focus,(perfect eyes:1.2),((white theme)),(detailed background),<lora:Helltaker:0.24>, <lora:pastelMixLoraVersion:1.2>
negative_prompt (worst quality, low quality:1.4),(bad eyes:1.3),(extra digit:1.4), (fewer digits:1.4),(cowboy:1.4), 3d,(paper:1.3),(mismatched eyes:1.3),curvy, fat, gray_scale, (over three finger\\\\(fingers excluding thumb\\\\):2), (fused anatomy), (bad anatomy\\\\(body\\\\)), (bad anatomy\\\\(hand\\\\)), (bad anatomy\\\\(finger\\\\)), (over four fingers\\\\(finger\\\\):2), (bad anatomy\\\\(arms\\\\)), (over two arms\\\\(body\\\\)), (bad anatomy\\\\(leg\\\\)), (over two legs\\\\(body\\\\)), (interrupted\\\\(body, arm, leg, finger\\\\)), (bad anatomy\\\\(arm\\\\)), (bad detail\\\\(finger\\\\):1.2), (bad anatomy\\\\(fingers\\\\):1.2), (multiful\\\\(fingers\\\\):1.2), (bad anatomy\\\\(finger\\\\):1.2), (bad anatomy\\\\(fingers\\\\):1.2), (fused\\\\(fingers\\\\):1.2), (over four fingers\\\\(finger\\\\):2), (multiful\\\\(hands\\\\)), (multiful\\\\(arms\\\\)), (multiful\\\\(legs\\\\)), (bad detailed background), (unclear architectural outline), (non-linear background), heterochromia, monochrome, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, lowres, 2girl3girl 4girl5girl, bad anatomy, more than 1penis, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, cropped, ((((extra digit, fewer digits)))), worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, Poor Quality, Poor Detail, Weird Detail, Low Quality Effect, extra_nipples, extra face, Multiple Views, extra penis, no penis between breast, , 2koma, 3koma, more than 1girl, ((2feet, 3feet, extra legs, extra feet, 4toes, 6toes, 7toes, 8toes)), lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, blurry background, multiple views, awkward_armpit, glow, reference inset, (mutated hands and fingers:1.5), (long body :1.3), long neck,
steps 35 content_copy
sampler DPM++ 2M Karras content_copy
cfg_scale 9 content_copy
seed 2332691250 content_copy
size 768x1344 content_copy
model_hash 9ffb93a408 content_copy Unknown Model open_in_new
denoising_strength 0.3 content_copy
mask_blur 6 content_copy
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