Prompt Search


April 22, 2024, 10:24 p.m.



* This is a non-automated, user input article. The information below may not be accurate.

parameters ((full body:1.6)),real korean face, kpop idol,,huge saggy breasts,bikini,1girl, korean beauty, (blood splatter:1.4), swirling black light around the character, depth of field,black light particles,(broken glass),magic circle,complex art by Alex Stoddard, Natalia Drepina and Brooke Shaden surreal, extremely dynamic, unusual,Watercolor,, sharp focus, studio photo, most beautiful young woman)) ((young clean skin)),intricate details, highly detailed, ((black roses)) ((long silk blonde hair))
negative_prompt nsfw,sexy,(worst quality, low quality, illustration, 3d, 2d, painting, cartoons, sketch), open mouth

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